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little food and didn t throw it up, and I slept for a time.
Nan dy Vrit nodded confirmation.  And glad I was of it, my lady.
Cazaril took a deep breath.  Well, dy Jironal will solve the mystery for us,
I m sure. He ll hunt down every person to die last night in Cardegoss in all
of Chalion, I have no doubt -until he finds out his brother s murderer.
 Bless the poor soul who put his vile plans in such disarray. Formally,
Iselle touched forehead, lip, navel, groin, and heart, spreading her fingers
wide.  And at such a cost. May the Bastard s demons grant him what mercy ever
they can.
 Amen, said Cazaril.  Let s just hope dy Jironal finds no close comrades or
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family to wreak his vengeance upon. He wrapped his arms around his belly,
which was cramping again.
Betriz came near him and stared him in the face, her hand going out but then
falling back hesitantly.
 Lord Caz, you look dreadful. Your skin is the color of cold porridge.
 I m . . . ill. Something I ate. He took a breath.  So we prepare today not
for grievous wedding but joyous funeral. I trust you ladies will contain your
glee in public?
Nan dy Vrit snorted. Iselle motioned her to silence, and said firmly,  Solemn
piety, I promise you.
And if it is thanksgiving and not sorrow in my heart, only the gods shall
Cazaril nodded, and rubbed his aching neck.  Usually, a victim of death magic
is burned before nightfall, to deny the body, the divines say, to uncanny
things that might want to move in. Apparently, such a death invites them. It
will be a terribly hurried funeral for such a high lord. They ll have to
assemble all before dark. Iselle s coruscating aura was making him almost
nauseated. He swallowed, and looked away from her.
 Then, Cazaril, said Betriz,  for pity s sake go lie down till then. We re
safe, all unexpectedly. You need do no more. She took him by his cold hands,
clasped them briefly, and smiled in wry concern. He managed a wan return
smile, and retreated.
* * *
HE CRAWLED BACK INTO HIS BED. HE HAD LAIN THEREperhaps an hour, bewildered and
still shivering, when his door swung open and Betriz tiptoed in to stare down
at him. She laid a hand across his clammy forehead.
 I was afraid you d taken a fever, she said,  but you re chilled.
 I was, um . . . chilled, yes. Must have thrown off my blankets in the night.
She touched his shoulder.  Your clothes are damp through. Her eyes narrowed.
 When was the last time you ate?
He could not remember.  Yesterday morning. I think.
 I see. She frowned at him a moment longer, then whirled and went out.
Ten minutes later, a maid arrived with a warming pan full of hot coals and a
feather quilt; a few minutes after that, a manservant with a can of hot water
and firm instructions to see him washed and put back to bed in dry
nightclothes. This, in a castle gone mad with the disruption of every courtier
and lady at once trying to prepare themselves for an unscheduled public
appearance of utmost formality. Cazaril questioned nothing. The servant had
just finished tucking him into the hot dry envelope of his sheets when Betriz
reappeared with a crockery bowl on a tray. She propped his door open and
seated herself on the edge of his bed.
 Eat this.
It was bread soaked in steaming milk, laced with honey. He accepted the first
spoonful in bemused surprise, then struggled up on his pillows.  I m not that
sick. Attempting to regain his dignity, he took the bowl from her; she made
no objection, as long as he continued to eat. He discovered he was ravenous.
By the time he d finished, he d stopped shivering.
She smiled in satisfaction.  Your color s much less ghastly now. Good.
 How fares the royesse?
 Vastly better. She s . . . I want to say, collapsed, but I don t mean
overcome. The blessed release that comes when an unbearable pressure is
suddenly removed. It s a joy to look upon her.
 Yes. I understand.
Betriz nodded.  She s resting now, till time to dress. She took the empty
bowl from him, set it aside, and lowered her voice.  Cazaril, what did you do
last night?
 Nothing. Evidently.
Her lips thinned in exasperation. But what use was it to lay the burden of his
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