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as if he'd been kicked in the balls. "It'll do ... it'll do," he croaked.
The man stepped aside and Walker walked into the tower and picked up the
mike. "Mission accomplished, Chinook. Stand down."
Then he pulled a .45 automatic out of his holster and stuck the barrel
against Donally's forehead. "We're not going to have any trouble out of
you, are we, son?"
"No, sir!" Donally said.
"Good. Now tell me how many men you have on base and where they're
Lieutenant Colonel Johnny Walker had his squadron of helicopters fly
into the Terre Haute Air National Guard base from several different
directions and all at extremely low altitudes. He'd received the week's
flight control codes from Private Sam Donally, who'd become very
cooperative with a .45 aimed at his head, just in case the air traffic
controllers at the Indianapolis base happened to be alert enough to
notice the increased air activity on Saturday night.
Only two of the pilots had been questioned over the radio, and the
controller had evidently accepted their stories about flying night
maneuvers to get their air time up to standards to receive their flight pay.
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Once all the pilots and Blackshirt Special Ops men were present, Walker
had a pre-invasion conference in the officers' wardroom. He stood at the
front of the room with everyone else gathered in the folding chairs
scattered around in a semicircle.
"Some of you pilots who've flown into Indianapolis might already know
this, but bear with me. A lot of the Special Ops boys have never been to
the main base."
He perched on the edge of a desk with one hip and began his talk. "When
President Osterman set up the new governmental headquarters, she chose
Fort Benjamin Harrison on the outskirts of Indianapolis. At the time,
the base boasted the largest indoor building in the country. Though only
three stories aboveground, the main administration building has
three underground bunkers that were built to withstand a nuclear blast.
In the old days, back in the seventies and eighties, the base served as
a repository for all the paper records of the Armed Services, as well as
the center that processed all the payroll checks for the Army, Navy, and
Marine Corps. The building was built to enormous standards, with halls
wide enough for several jeeps to pass each other without crowding. It is
my understanding that the new leaders of the country utilize the
underground bunkers for most of their work and only lower-level
administrative staff are housed aboveground."
One of the pilots, a young man with barely enough fuzz on his face to be
shaving, raised his hand. "Sir."
Walker nodded. "Yes, go on."
"I was wondering if you expect many civilian casualties in the upcoming
Walker smiled and shook his head. "No, not at all. That's one of the
reasons we planned the attack for the early morning hours on a Sunday.
Virtually none of the civilians will be on duty, and those active duty
personnel will be at their lowest manpower and hopefully at their lowest
level of alertness."
The young man nodded, evidently relieved he wouldn't be expected to
slaughter too many of his fellow Americans.
"Now," Walker continued, "the topography of the land surrounding Fort
Benjamin Harrison is mainly fiat, with only gently rolling hills and a
few shallow river valleys in the area. That means we won't have much
cover on the way in, but it also means we can fly low and slow and not
have to worry about flying into the side of a mountain."
He stood up and motioned to Lieutenant Robert Hawk to come forward.
"Now, I'm going to be in charge of the commandos in the Chinook, and
we'll be coming in on your tails after we're told you've taken out all
the AA batteries and as much of the ground resistance as you can. Since
I'm not a pilot, I'm going to let Lieutenant Hawk, your squadron com-
mander, set the battle plan for the air assault. Lieutenant Hawk."
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Robert Hawk stepped to a blackboard on the front wall, where he'd drawn
a rough schematic of Fort Benjamin Harrison. "Since we've managed to get
within fifty miles of the base and we'll all have full tanks, we're
going to come in from the four points of the compass, with an Apache
leading each of the four assault teams. They'll be followed by two each
of the HueyCobras and two each of the Defenders, which have been fitted
with Miniguns and will come in last for mopping up and strafing of any
ground troops that will be on the move. Since the Apaches are the only
machines with night-flying capabilities, the others will follow in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
