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 Ah, very good match, said Lue, shrewdly looking between me and Ethan,  Earth and
water. I turned and hurried away quickly.
I met up with Abby and grumbled,  I ran into Ethan you could have told me!
She smiled placidly,  You would have just tried to talk me out of it.
 I know I agreed to lessons, but why did you have to go to him? I asked,  It s so
embarrassing after what happened.
 Who better? said Abby,  He knows his way around the ocean, and at least I already know
he won t let you drown!
When we got home I went to my room and called Evie, catching up on all her latest
adventures. I told her a little about Aptos and how much I liked staying with my aunt and cousin.
I avoided all the bad things that had happened; Evie tended to blow every little thing completely
out of proportion. The last think I wanted to do was give her something real to over-dramatize.
She kept asking me about boys and I kept changing the subject.
I told her how Cruz was a talented designer, and about Megan and her wonderful voice. She
said she would love to meet them someday. I thanked her for all the great summer clothes and
went into detail about how well they fit and how much I liked each one.
 Marina, she said suspiciously,  I feel like you re keeping something from me...
 Evie! I haven t even started school yet!
 I know, she said,  but you re hiding something. I can tell.
 OK, I sighed, throwing her a bone,  There might be a boy.
Triumphant, she cried,  I knew it! Spill the beans. Is he cute?
 Very, I said.
I ended up telling her about Ethan, and how I was going to take swimming lessons from
him. I mentioned that he was a surfer, and that it might be fun to learn how to surf when I
improved my swimming skills.
 Ooh, what swimsuit will you wear? she asked enthusiastically.
 None, Evie, I have to get a wetsuit. The water in Aptos is around fifty degrees.
Goosebumps rose on my arms as I thought about my bitterly cold trip out to the buoy.
 Well, be sure to wear a pretty one! she said.
I laughed,  Abby s taking me to look for an old one at the flea market at least until I know
if I can swim.
 Don t say  flea , dear, Evie said with disgust. I laughed at her prissiness. We said our
goodbyes and I promised to call her back and tell her how my lessons went.
I had a hard time getting to sleep that night, and spent a long time tossing and turning. I
couldn t stop fidgeting, anxious about school the next morning. Charlie didn t appreciate my
restlessness and left the room, disgruntled. It was a rare fogless night, and I could see the
glowing full moon clearly through my bedroom window.
I lost all track of time, lying there sleepless, studying the moon. I looked at the dark areas
that early astronomers mistook for bodies of water. Mare, they called them, after the Latin word
for sea. That was the root of my name, I thought. Could that have anything to do with my
mother? I had to find a way to talk with Lorelei again. I finally fell into a fitful sleep.
I dreamed I was crouching on a surfboard, gliding along with the surge of the sea. I felt at
one with the ocean; I was where I belonged. The powerful force of the water moved through me
as I clung to the side of a tremendous wave. I skimmed my fingers along a solid wall of water
and laughed.
I was too nervous to eat breakfast on Monday morning, but Abby had gone to the effort to
cook so I picked at the tofu scramble to please her.
 You ll probably love high school, she chirped, her tone overly cheerful.
 Did you? I asked, trying not to sound too cynical.
 We-ell, not so much, she admitted with a grin.  But I did make some really good friends
there, she added. Abby always managed to put a positive spin on everything.
Cruz made his way into the kitchen, grumbling. He had taken pains with his hair, lined his
eyes, and painted his fingernails black. I thought he looked really beautiful in a dark,
androgynous way. My guess was that he had adopted a rebellious stance to cover up his deep-
seated feelings of alienation. At least that s what Evie would say, psychoanalysis being one of
her many hobbies.
Abby believed in allowing him to express himself freely, but she confided in me that she [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
