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former king had been over ten thousand years old. When he d died,
he d looked to be around sixty by human standards. Demons aged
pretty regularly until about thirty. After that, their aging slowed down
to a crawl that was almost nonexistent. It was highly unusual that
demons died before their allotted time. The fact that the danger of
Demontia had been so great as to necessitate multiple incarnations of
the Ravyns spoke of the seriousness that Desmond posed to the
natural order of things.
A warm male hand slid over his naked lower back. He d left the
shirt off. The now-familiar touch of his mate didn t even cause him a
ripple of concern despite the fact that the two shifters had snuck up on
Ravyn s Mates 33
 You re going to burn if you don t put on something, Michel
chided, giving the skin a brief caress.
 Likewise, kitty cat, Druas shot back. Michel s hand slid to his
hip and gave it a squeeze.
 Careful, Dru, Cord said.  Michel likes being teased, but he isn t
good at keeping his hands to himself. He s especially weak when it
comes to nicknames, so unless you want to get naked, leave those for
the bedroom.
Dru felt a grin stretch his lips. His mates were definitely strange.
 I m happy you two told me, he admitted. He wasn t talking about
Michel s love for pet names, either. Their mating seemed so obvious
now, but the confusion he d felt over his unexplainable reaction to his
lovers before had worn him out. He was glad to have a reason for all
of it. He reached out and linked hands with Cord. His pretty mate
blushed, which was a pleasure to see considering all three of them had
gotten very deeply tanned over the past few weeks in the Demontian
sun. If he wasn t careful, he was going to lose sight of his goal. The
sooner he accomplished Salvatore s mission, the sooner he could get
back to starting something serious with his mates. He still couldn t
believe he had two of them.
 I smell women ahead, Michel said, drawing his attention back
to the objective at hand. Dru was grateful for his attention to detail.
Not for the first time, Dru realized that the two of them made
excellent Ravyns.
 Their camp must be getting close. Dru let his power disperse
back into the universe. If they were this close to their families, the
other demons would take any drawn weapon as a sign of hostility.
 My swords? he asked.
 In the bag I m carrying, Michel said, petting his head.  No
worries, pretty. We got this.
* * * *
34 Jana Downs
 You can come down from your perch now, Ravyns. As you can
see, you re quite safe, Natiri called up to them as they watched the
warriors from the tribe disperse throughout the campsite. The general
was the only one who stood at the foot of their small hill, looking up
at them with his massive hands on his hips and his feet splayed. The
three of them exchanged a look and hesitated. Dru finally nodded to
his head. They needed to get this done, and the only way to find out if
this was legitimate was to go ahead and go down there.
They walked down together, Dru in the middle, Michel at his
right, Cord at his left. It seemed that Natiri got taller the closer they
got to the man. He really was a giant. It called into question whether
or not he was full demon at all. Was he part giant or something?
 Dragon, Natiri answered Dru s unspoken question.  Well, half
dragon anyway. I understand your caution, Ravyn. But rest assured, if
I didn t trust you, you would be dead by now.
 What d he say? Michel asked, a frown on his face. Dru had
completely forgotten that they didn t speak any of the demon tongues.
 He said that he trusts us, Dru supplied. He made a mental note
to start teaching them at least the basics of his native tongue as soon
as he could. It was going to get really annoying translating everything
for them all the time.
 Your mates don t know the Tongue? Natiri asked, smiling. He
switched to English effortlessly.  That is fine. I will speak in this one.
Being half dragon enables me to be quite gifted in languages. I can
speak any that I have heard spoken. He nodded to the pair of shifters.
 It is good to see a Ravyn who is also a family man. It put the men at
ease to see that you brought your loved ones with you.
 It s a recent mating. Dru felt the need to give the disclaimer.
 None of us are very used to the idea. He was actually surprised that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
