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whom Vasudeva alone is the sole refuge. As he does the action as a servant of the Lord without
egoism, as his mind ever abides in the Lord, his actions create no Karma and he is liberated from
births and deaths.
 He is the favourite of Hari who has no attachment to the body, and claims no superiority by
birth and deed, by caste, or order, or race.
 The highest devotion does not know  mine and  thine either in wealth or in body. He
looks upon all beings with equal eyes. His mind is always tranquil.
 He is the highest devotee who will not forget the Lord even for the sake of the wealth of the
three worlds and who will not forget even for half a minute or half a second the lotus-like feet of the
Lord which are sought after by the gods and others who have not conquered their mind.
 How could any affliction arise in the heart of a devotee from which it is all removed by the
moon-light of the gem-like finger-nails of the feet of the Lord which measured the universe in three
steps? How could there be the heat of the sun when the moon has risen? Just as one never
remembers the heat of the sun after the moon has risen and flooded the world with its cool rays, so
the devotee who meditates on the lotus-like feet of the Lord, never again remembers the pains of
Samsara, his desires having vanished never again to return.
 He is the greatest of all devotees whose heart is tied to the lotus-like feet of Hari by the
cords of love and devotion. He is never left by Hari Himself who destroys all his sins even though
He is unconsciously remembered by name.
 The name of the Lord, if uttered even unconsciously in pain or distress, by force of habit
even, removes all sins. If such is the case, it can easily be understood that he is the highest devotee in
whose heart the Lord ever dwells, rooted there by the cord of affection.
Antariksha Instructs
(Power of Maya and worship of the Lord is described)
The king Nimi asked,  What is then this Maya of the Supreme Lord which deludes even the
most intelligent and those who have gained the light of knowledge? Your words full of the wisdom
of the Lord have a soothing and beneficent effect on me, who is scorched up in the fire of Samsara. I
can never get tired of hearing the same. I am not satiated by drinking the nectar of your words which
describe the glories of Hari, the medicine for that unbearable heat and suffering of this mundane
Antariksha said:  Maya of the Lord is that which causes the creation, preservation and
dissolution of this universe. It is through Maya only that the Lord becomes many. It is the cause of
Jiva s erroneous idea that the pure Brahman which transcends the three Gunas is endowed with a
body and subject to the sway of the Gunas.
 The first and Supreme Person, the Cause of all creation created out of these great Bhutas,
all things great and small, so that the Jiva may realise himself to be none but Brahman.
 He then entered the Jivas and made them enjoy the Gunas. He is enthroned behind the mind
and acts as the powerhouse from which the Jiva is able to function through the mind and the ten
senses. The Lord Himself appears as the mind and the senses.
 The Jiva enjoys the sense objects through the senses illumined by the Antaryamin or Inner
Ruler. He becomes attached to the body and objects. He thinks that this body is his own Self and
identifies himself with the body. On account of egoism, he gets entangled in the never-ending whirl
of births and deaths.
 He does many acts with the object of reaping the reward by means of the Karma Indriyas
(organs of action) which have their roots in the acts of previous lives enjoys the fruits of the several
Karmas by experiencing pleasure and pain.
 He gets immersed in the tide of Karma and passes through many bodies or lives in
consequence of Karma and undergoes many countless miseries. He is subject to birth and death as
long as creation lasts.
 When it is time for the dissolution of the universe, Time which is beginningless and
endless withdraws the manifested world of substance and qualities into its cause Maya, or Moola
Prakriti, or Avyaktam.
 There will be no rain for a hundred years. The sun with its fierce rays will burn the three
worlds. The fire emanating from the mouth of Sankarsana from Patala or the lower region will with
the help of the wind, burn everything in all directions.
 Then the clouds will pour down a torrent of rain for over a hundred years, each drop being
as big as the trunk of an elephant and the universe will be drowned in water.
 Brahma will merge into the Avyakta Mula Prakriti like the fire when all fuel is consumed.
 Smell which is the property of earth is taken by the air and the earth melts into the water.
Liquidity, which is the property of water, is taken away by the air, and water gets absorbed in the
fire. Fire is deprived of its colour and it merges into the air. Air is deprived of its property of touch
and it merges into the ether. After deprival of its property ether in turn merges in Prakriti. The
senses, the mind and intellect with their presiding deities merge into the principle of Ahamkara
which in its turn merges in Mahat Tattva.
 This Maya of the Lord is thus the cause of creation, preservation and destruction of the
Universe. It consists of three Gunas. I have thus described to you the Maya of the Lord. What more
would you like to hear, O king?
Prabuddha Instructs How to Cross Maya
King Nimi asked,  O great sage! Please tell me, how can one whose mind is not controlled, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
