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except the passion he ignited in her. She made no effort to
slow things down between them until she felt his fingers
moving against her bodice buttons.
She pushed her hands against his shoulders. "No, David."
He sighed and released her. "Sorry."
"It's all right, but there are limits to how far we can go
before we're married."
"I know."
"And you're all right with that?"
"No, but I doubt if that's going to change your
"You're right. It's not."
He shrugged. "No harm in trying."
"Nice try." She took his hand and led him back into the
living room where they sat together on the love seat.
"How is Carolyn? Is she very angry with me?"
Eye of the Beholder
by Marilyn Lee
He caressed her cheek. "No. Mom told her to pray for us
instead of getting angry or worrying."
"And that worked?"
"Yes, because Mom told her we loved each other, and we
would get back together before long, and she believed it. She
has missed seeing you, though."
She turned her head and kissed his fingers. "I've missed
her, too."
"Is Carolyn the only one you missed?"
"No. Of course not." She sighed. "I'm sorry I was such a
coward about everything, David. I should have told you how I
"I should have made it unnecessary for you to feel that
way." He kissed her cheek. "I'll do my best to make sure it
doesn't happen again."
She smiled. "Yeah. You see that it doesn't." She felt his
chest shake with laughter and turned to look at him. "What's
so amusing, buster?"
He shook his head. "Just thinking what an idiot I've been. I
should have known I didn't stand a chance the moment I saw
"As I remember, you weren't very impressed the moment
you saw me."
"You are so wrong, sweetheart. I told myself I wasn't
impressed, but you're a beautiful woman. I couldn't stop
thinking about you. I kept telling myself you weren't my type,
but deep down inside, I knew you were. My heart knew from
the moment you started flirting with me that it was yours for
Eye of the Beholder
by Marilyn Lee
the taking. It just took the rest of me awhile to face the
"Which is?"
"That I love you to complete and utter distraction."
She smiled and turned back in his arms, snuggling against
his chest. "God is good," she said softly.
His arms tightened. "Yes," he echoed. "He is. He sent you
to me just when I needed you most to heal my heart and help
me regain my faith."
She twisted around in his arms to look at him again. "Your
faith, David? Then you've reconciled with God?"
He nodded. "Yes. And I know I don't have to tell you how
it feels. The last eighteen months have been the worst in my
life. Mostly because I didn't rely on the Lord's love and ability
to heal all the hurts and pains in life like I should have. I
made it worse than it needed to be for me and Carolyn. God
sent you to us to make it better."
He sighed. "It took falling in love with you to make me
realize how good the Lord is. I lost Harriet and I never
thought I'd be happy again. But I am with you. Carolyn and I
both love you."
She leaned up and kissed his cheek. "And I love you both.
Oh, David! I can't tell you how happy it makes me to hear
you talk about God with love."
"I'm happy, you're happy. But you can make me happier
than I am now," he told her.
"Y'all just name the way and I'm right on it," she teased.
Eye of the Beholder
by Marilyn Lee
"By setting a date for this big, formal, but hopefully not-
too-far-in-the-future wedding of ours. When will you marry
me, my darling?"
"I've had time to think David, and if you're really set
against it, we don't have to have a formal wedding. We could
get married quietly as soon as possible. We "
"No. I want our wedding day to be everything you want
and expect it to be. It might kill me, but I'll wait."
She lifted his ringless left hand and kissed the third finger.
"I haven't been entirely fair."
"Yes, you have."
"No. I really haven't. I've been thinking that I wouldn't
mind if you wore the ring Harriet gave you on your right
He sat back against the love seat and turned her all the
way around to face him. She saw the look of surprise on his
face. "Diana?"
"No. I mean it. I know it meant a lot to you because she
gave it to you. You shouldn't have to keep it hidden away."
She took a deep breath. "And we can put some of her
pictures back. She was Carolyn's mother and the love of your
"Yes, she was. Now you are."
"I know," she said with satisfaction. "And I don't need to
be jealous of the woman who gave you and Carolyn
everything you needed. You both have a right to your happy
memories of her without worrying that I'll be jealous. I just
hope that with the Lord's help, I can do as well for you as she
Eye of the Beholder
by Marilyn Lee
did. We'll make our own memories to add to the other happy
ones you two already have."
He shook his head, an amazed look on his face. "You are
an incredible woman."
She grinned up at him. "I'm glad you finally realize that."
"I do and I love you, Diana Stuart."
"Of course you do," she said, filled with an incredible sense
of contentment. "And just in case you should forget in the
future, I'll be sure to remind you to tell me on a regular basis.
Say for breakfast, lunch, and dinner." She shrugged. "Maybe
at snack time, too."
He laughed, and cupping her face in his hands, he kissed
her. It was a sweet, tender kiss that held all the promise of
love and happiness she'd ever wanted or expected out of life.
Then they knelt on the floor together and said a prayer of
thanksgiving for all God in his goodness had provided. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
