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Pulsifer ducked back behind Phampoun's wattles and revealed himself only by a
vibration in the corded grey neck. Presently he returned to view. "He is quite
famished, or so it would appear. I had best wake him; he will wish to converse
with you before. ..."
"Before what?"
"No matter."
"A moment," said Cugel. "I am interested in conversing with you rather than
"Indeed?" asked Pulsifer, and polished Phampoun's fang with great vigor.
"This is pleasant to hear; I receive yew compliments."
"Strange! I see much in you to commend. Necessarily your career goes hand in
hand with that of Phampoun, but perhaps you have goals and ambitions of your
Pulsifer propped up Phampoun's lip with his cleaning brush and relaxed upon
the ledge so created. "Sometimes I feel that I would enjoy seeing something of
the outer world. We have ascended several times to the surface, but always by
night when heavy clouds obscure the stars, and even then
Phampoun complains of the excessive glare, and he quickly returns below."
"A pity," said Cugel. "By day there is much to see. The scenery surrounding
Lumarth is pleasant. The Kind Folk are about to present their Grand Pageant of
Ultimate Contrasts, which is said to be most picturesque."
Pulsifer gave his head a wistful shake. "I doubt if ever I will see such
Have you witnessed many horrid crimes?"
"Indeed I have. For instance I recall a dwarf of the Batvar Forest who rode a
pelgrane  "
Pulsifer interrupted him with a gesture. "A moment. Phampoun will want to hear
this." He leaned precariously from the cavernous mouth to peer up toward the
shuttered eyeballs. "Is he, or more accurately, am I awake? I thought I
noticed a twitch. In any event, though I have enjoyed our conversation, we
must get on with our duties. Hm, the light cord is disarranged. Perhaps you
will be good enough to extinguish the light."
"There is no hurry," said Cugel. Phampoun sleeps peacefully; let him enjoy his
rest. I have something to show you, a game of chance. Are you acquainted with
Pulsifer signified in the negative, and Cugel produced his cards. "Notice
carefully! I deal you four cards and I take four cards, which we conceal from
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ABC Amber Palm Converter,
each other." Cugel explained the rules of the game. "Necessarily we play for
coins of gold or some such commodity, to make the game interesting. I
therefore wager five terces, which you must match."
"Yonder in two sacks is Phampoun's gold, or with equal propriety, my gold,
since I am an integral adjunct to this vast hulk, take forth gold sufficient
to equal your terces."
The game proceeded. Pulsifer won the first sally, to his delight, then lost
the next, which prompted him to fill the air with dismal complaints; then he
won again and again until Cugel declared himself lacking further funds. "You
are a clever and skillful player; it is a joy to match wits with you! Still, I
feel I could beat you if I had the terces I left above in the temple."
Pulsifer, somewhat puffed and vainglorious, scoffed at Cugel's boast. "I fear
that I am too clever for you! Here, take back your terces and we will play the
game once again."
"No; this is not the way sportsmen behave; I am too proud to accept your
money. Let me suggest a solution to the problem. In the temple above is my
sack of terces and a sack of sweetmeats which you might wish to consume as we
continue the game. Let us go fetch these articles, then I defy you to win as
Pulsifer leaned far out to inspect Phampoun's visage. "He appears quite
comfortable, though his organs are roiling with hunger."
"He sleeps as soundly as ever," declared Cugel. "Let us hurry. If he wakes our
game will be spoiled."
Pulsifer hesitated. "What of Phampoun's gold? We dare not leave it unguarded!"
"We will take it with us, and it will never be outside the range of our
"Very well; place it here on the dais."
"So, and now I am ready. How do we go aloft?"
"Merely press the leaden bulb beside the arm of the chair, but please make no
untoward disturbance. Phampoun might well be exasperated should he awake in
unfamiliar surroundings." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
