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produced innocent expressions. If Gigi, Ty or her father thought they were being sly, they were lying
to themselves.
She d been awake from her coma for two days, and the time spent with her eyes open grew
with each passing hour. First it d been fifteen minutes, then an hour, and now she could stay conscious
for as much as six hours straight. It wasn t just a desire to be pain free that motivated her to get better,
but also the prospect of truly becoming Ty s Itana. Words were one thing, but consummating their
joining would solidify her place in the clan.
When she d questioned her father about her rapid healing, he reminded her that she was half
bear. Even if she couldn t shift, a bit of a furball lurked inside her. Hadn t she ever thought it was odd
that she never got sick as a child and her bruises typically disappeared in hours? No, she really
hadn t. The only reason she d taken so long to come out of her coma was due to the severity of her
injuries. She d lost a ton of blood and there had been swelling around her brain. Now that she was on
the mend and eating well, her body was ready to get up and go.
Except everyone kept urging her to stay in bed.
 You need to rest, need time to heal and regain your strength.
 Aren t you tired?
 Don t you want to go back to bed for a little longer? Oh, that s good, Mia, here I ll help
you with the covers.
Then whoever happened to be shoving those words down her throat would urge her toward the
bed before she got halfway to the door.
Well, she was done. She d been sleeping next to Ty for two days both of them fully clothed
and the man hadn t given her more than a chaste kiss on the forehead. He d been trying to keep his
battle wounds hidden from her, but she d caught glimpses of them nonetheless. Every time she saw
one of the bright red, jagged lines, her heart ached. He d fought so very, very hard to get Parker back
and he d wear the evidence of his struggle for the rest of his life.
After a light brushing of his lips across her skin, he d disappear for the morning, leaving her
with her father. Don t get her wrong, she loved her dad. She just didn t love being kept in the dark.
Rising shouts would come through the door now and again, snarls and growls quickly
following the sounds, but her father wouldn t let her get anywhere near the door.
 You didn t grow up with bears, little cub, this is how we deal with things, he d say.
Uh-huh. And she had a bridge to sell.
Then there was the fact that her only visitors were Ty, Parker, her father, and Gigi, and every
one of them kept shoving her away from the door and back into bed. Oh yeah, something stank in
Grayslake, and it lurked somewhere in her house.
Mia lay on the edge of the massive king size bed while her father rested in a large chair by the
bay window. He was engrossed in a paperback, attention completely focused on his book, and she
knew it was her time to act.
Feigning a moan, Mia rolled to her side and tugged on her blankets, doing her best to appear
restless. In a split second, her dad tossed the book aside and the rapid thump of his feet colliding with
the hardwood floors announced his approach.
She hardly hurt anymore, her ribs only putting up a token protest to her movement and her leg
was strong once again. Even the wounds on her arms were near fully healed. But she had to put on a
good show.
 Oh, you re here. She let her head list from side to side.  I m so hot, Daddy. Can you help me
with these covers and maybe get me a wet washcloth?
He paled and then went into action.  Of course, little cub.
Large, gentle hands tugged and pulled on the knotted blankets. Good, Phase One of Operation
Free Mia was underway. Another few yanks and her legs were free.
 There you go, sweetheart. Let me go get you that cloth.
In a split second, she was staring at her father s back as he hustled his large bulk into the
master bathroom. The instant he was no longer in sight, Mia leapt from the bed and bolted to the
room s door. She slinked through the open portal and carefully eased it shut behind her. It d only be a
handful of seconds before her absence was discovered. Hopefully it d give her enough time to find
out what had her Itan in knots day in and day out.
Mia dashed down the hallway, keeping to the walls in an effort to hide in the shadows. She
tiptoed over the carpet, sprinting forward and then pausing when a raucous yell from Ty s study split
the silence.
It wasn t until she was halfway to her destination that her father s first call reached her. Her
name was said tentatively with a hint of worry. She d apologize later.
She padded another few feet to the study s closed door. A familiar cacophony of yells rolled [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
